DR TLALENG MOFOKENG obtained her medical degree (MBChB) from the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban and now runs a women’s health clinic, DISA, in Johannesburg. At its forty-fourth session in July 2020, the United Nations Human Rights Council appointed Ms. Tlaleng Mofokeng, from South Africa, as Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.
She is a thought leader and contributor to 5FM and Metro FM’s Sexual Health radio features, the ‘Let’s Talk About Sex’ columnist for the Sunday Times, and is internationally published in The Guardian, Teen Vogue and Project Syndicate.
Dr T says that the field of sexual and reproductive health chose her during her community service year when she worked in the West Rand clinics in Johannesburg. Most of her patients were young women and, in true Dr T style, affirming of sexual pleasure, she made them feel comfortable to share their sexual health and relationship concerns. This ignited the spark in Dr T to pursue a career advocating for and defending sexual and reproductive rights and health for women and children.
Her areas of interest are Public Health Policy, Advocacy, Global Health Politics and health content production. She sits on a Global Advisory Board for Sexual Health and Wellbeing (GAB-SHW), Sex Worker Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT).
- Al Jazera: Presented 2 documentaries for “The Cure” on location in Zimbabwe and Liberia.
- The Higher Education and Training HIV/AIDS Programme (HEAIDS): Developed, presented health education videos for South Africa’s public Universities and Technical and Vocational and Training Colleges.
- Moja Love Channel: “Sex Talk with Dr T”, Associate Producer and Host
- Global Advisory Board Sexual Health & Well-being (GABSHW): Healthcare Provider Toolkit: Contributor
- National Inter-Ministerial Adolescent SRHR Framework Strategy Technical Committee: Civil Society Representative
- Right to Care: Post Violence services for survivors of sexual violence: practice and prospects, Consultant
- Department of Health Gauteng: PASOP GP HIV/AIDS Prevention Community Campaign
- Quad Republic: LGBTIQA+ Community consultation
- Multi-Party Parliamentary Women’s Caucus: Oral Submission, Parliament, RSA
- International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC): UnitedStates’ Senate briefing on the “Impact of the Global Gag rule”
- International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC): Advocacy in Practice Alumni Program
- Soul City Institute for Social Justice: Vice-chair of Board
- Sex Worker Education & Advocacy Taskforce: Vice-chair Board
- Global Doctors for Choice: Country Co-lead, South Africa
- Sexual and Reproductive Justice Coalition (SRJC), Member
- United Nations Human Rights Council, Commission on Population Development
- Safe Abortion Action Fund Board member
- Keynote: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Goalkeepers18, Berlin
- Keynote: SisterSong 20th Anniversay, New Orleans
- Keynote: CapHill Days, Pop Connect, Washington D.C
- Department of Social Development: Communications Team
- Department of Health Gauteng: LGBTIQA+ Community Dialogues
- Mail & Guardian, Soul City: Dialogue on Gender based violence